Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is (NOT) Foot Detox Patch Review

Ever heard about foot detox patch?
People said that when it applied to the feet while we are sleeping, these patch will absorb the toxins out of body. So when you wake up in the morning, it will be discolored as a sign that it worked!

I don't know whether it is true or not, but I really eager to try. So when I went to last JOM HEBOH at Bkt Jalil earlier this month, I bought 4 pairs of it. Two for me and two for mom.

So then we both started to try it on:

I bought this brand.
Supposedly the price is RM 7 one pair (as stated on the packaging)
But we bought 4 set for RM 10 only!!!

There is a breathable seal to stick the patch to your feet.

Then, stick it!

Like this...
Then went to sleep...


This is what happened when I woke up in the morning. Is it works then?
Mom said when we sleeping, the herbal thing inside the patch will react to the air and there is a possibility thatwe were sweating during nite time. So the dark color-dry-herbal turned so wet.

Hrrmmm... as stated this is NOT A REVIEW entry.
So, wallahualam...

Have to try more I guess :)


I also have try this before..but still not sure either is that the really toxin that come out from our body?? or somthing else that turn it to the black color..huhu

kan? xpasti lagi betol ke tak...
mungkin nak try again for at least 4-5days and see what happen...

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