Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My brother's new and cute motorcycle!


Few days ago, when I just landed at Jakarta. I saw many ppl riding this bike.
I thought it was Piaggio brand! And I'm sooo liking it!

Yesterday morning when I was playing with my lil Riri, suddenly my brother came out of his room and said that the new motorcycle has just arrived! He rushed back to frontyard as I was following him, in question.

I knew few days ago he just sold his wife's motorbike and planned to buy a new one after his other motorbike been sold. But his other bike is still parking at the frontyard, so I didn't expect the new bike will be coming this soon.

And as I followed him, I was shocked that he actually bought this CUTE LIL BIKE which I really adore, for his beloved wife!!!

Jom check it out:

My lil Riri sukeee sgt his dad beli motor baru, xhabis2 tgelak2...
Pastue my brother ckp yang dia tak bagi baby Riri naik motor...
Alaaa cedihnyer dia...

So classic... Bukan Preggio lak... It's HONDA!

I xsuka rim kaler putih nie. If chrome kan lagi classic...

Tumpang glamer sikit... Baby Riri excited tgk motor baru :)

Back view of the bike...

Comey x motor tue? So perfect for ladies x?
Bila nie nak bagi Ms Red Ribbon pinjam?
*macam reti jer naik motor! hehe*


u pandai bawak motor x?..hihihi

semart lah!!

senang jew bawa scoot ms ribbon, pulas jew handle, vrooooom

@Nini: xpandai... huaaaaa...
@fArie: ye... macam senang, xberani la :(

comellnyerrr....huhu..i ada lesen motor tapi xpernah bawak after dpt lesen motor tu..hehehe

heee nape tu? dah susah2 buat lesen...

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