Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shopping Groceries Day!

Yesterday I went out for groceries shopping with mom & de' Riri (my anak buah). The supermarket called SUPERINDO. Not really far from my house, and this place is my mom's favorite. Eventhough the size is not as big as Carrefour, or Giant, but she said shopping here doesn't makes her tired. Tak payah jalan berpusing2 jauh2... Lagi kalau supermarket tu dalam mall, nak cari parking pon susah kan?

So yesterday was my job to babysit lil Riri. He was ok, didn't cry even his mom and dad didn't follow. 
It was just I felt pain on my back coz this 5 months baby is sooo heavy! Almost 10 kg now! I feel like lifting a 10-kg beras on my shoulder... Huaaa... But whatever it is, I like it to be with him :)

The main thing my mom wanted to buy is fish! For our dinner :)
She wasn't well now so she was too lazy to cook for the family. So she bought 1 big ikan patin that cost us Rp. 15,000 or around RM5. Sorry I forgot to take the pic but the fish quite big, for 5 person.

And the best thing of SUPERINDO is they will goreng or bakar the fish FOR FREE!!! Siap bagi sos BBQ or kicap or whatever sauce available there. So cheap. We couldn't find things like this in Carrefour or Giant. 

Nie Ms Red Ribbon beli nie,Nu Green Tea. Tea plus Honey.
Banyak jenama kat sini, tapi suka yg nie je satu :)

Pastue kerepek singkong (umbi) Kusuka. Sukaaaa sgt. Dulu time duk kat Ampang, selalu bawakan my housemate kerepek nie. Diorang pon suke. Tapi pernah terjumpa kerepek rasa yang almost the same kat Johor.

Dah lama, tetibe si kecik nie dah tertidur plak... He must be very tired...

Between things we bought yesterday.
See 3 Cerelac stuffs in the middle? Those were meant for lil Riri. Yesterday was his first time had a meal!
Hehe selalunya menyusu from his mom jer...
And he really like it, the Cerelac I mean...
Tak sabar hari nie nak bagi dia makan Cerelac lagi :)


hehe..bagi dia makan byk2..hehe.. careful tau..jgn bagi baby obese..lau berat dia disebabkan oleh menyusu badan xpe..jangan bagi makan benda berat2 lagi cam nasi ke..nnt baby akan obese..comellaa dia..geram..montokkk!!

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