Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kena tipu my xBF!

I had this one xBF. I was with him on 2004-2007, around 3 years la. 
He was close with my family, actually. But he done bad things such as hurting my heart and with another girl at the same time. I'm a kind of girl that won't tell anyone that we are in a relationship. I never did, even to my family. But he's the one who I brought home. And I wish people could tell by themselves...

So, I was serious with him. Planning to 'kumpul' duit kawen together. I worked part time that time coz still study. And we tried so hard to get him a new 'better' job. Dah survey rumah la, survey dewan kawin la. Made our own gold rings la. Without telling anything to my parents. But his parents knew.

But yeah, at the end, a man that I knew for 3 years sebetolnya adalah bulls@*t! He always lied. I didn't plan to talk bad about him. I;m just sharing my stories to you that we cannot simply trust people eventho we knew them for quite long. He worked. Everyday he went to work, I always called him during lunch time. Sometimes he didn't pick up, said he was on urgent meeting. I checked thru GPS mobile phone (kat Indonesia ada GPS untuk phone number, so I can check where he was at that current moment), everyday I checked him (coz my heart feels ada something tak kne), but the location stated on the reply from the network provider is the location where he works.


After more than 1 year I guess, I just knew that he actually still jobless. Xkeje langsung. And the location I always checked is not his office, but his other gf place! Siap family dia dah tempahkan baju untuk kawin diorang! His sibling knew about this but never tell me everytime we met. He said he didn't want to interfere. Ye la, tapi you as his brother supported my xBF untuk main curang! (hussshh, tak kawin lagi dah nak cakap main curang hihi...)

Bukan pasal tue je, pasal kuliah, he said dah grad degree. Tengok2 baru je diploma. Siap cakap nak sambung Master kat Malaysia jugak. Hiii, I xsuka ada org tipu camtue. Habis diploma cakap je diploma. Siap emak bapak dia kne tipu juga, dia suh parents dia dtg for his bachelor degree convocation but xbagi mak bapak dia masuk hall. Sebetolnya dia xconvo pon, xsiap lagi thesis and byk subjects failed.

Satu alasan my xBF bagi: "Nak sama2 ngan u susah, your dad banyak minta nie tue. So sometimes masa I feel give up, I rasa nak cari gf lain."
Hmmm alhamdulillah Allah sayangkan Ms Red Ribbon, eventho he finally tinggalkan dat gf coz he said he loves me more. Berapa bulan after that, he also had another gf. My niece terjumpa diorang tgh dating kat mall. At first macam xcaya. Nasib baik pernah berkenalan ngan the girl, so time jumpa, Ms Red Ribbon tanya la. Jawapan yang my X bagi ngan the girl bagi lain2 plak... Haaa dah la... confirm nak tipu lagi...

Sakit hati... And xnak sama2 PENIPU. So I ended up the relationship on mid 2007.

December of 2008 was the month I had realtionship with Mr Red Ribbon and my xBF knew it. So dia ada call and ask whether me still want to be with him? Probably getting married with him? Sooo confuse la that time. Ngan Mr Red Ribbon baru lagi, xtau lagi perangai betul camne. Pastu orang nie plak dah pasti la Ms Red Ribbon sygkan dia dat time, tapi nak ke ngan dia? A person that been hurting you so much? Not only once, banyak kali! Ms Red Ribbon xjawap lagi. But I think he knew Ms Red Ribbon lagi nak pilih Mr Red Ribbon...

Peliknya a month after that, on January 2009, he told me he's getting married soon. Dan memang dia dah ada plan nak kawen. Heee ape plak u ajak I kawen juga on December 2008 tue? Memang la BUAYA DARAT! Huuu nasib baik xkene tipu lagi!

So kengkawan, baik2 la jumpa lelaki. Sometimes diorang dah terbiasa cakap tipu tau. So, bende yang tak payah tipu (bukan kita marah dia nak kuar tgk movie ke ramai2 ngan kawan, bukan kita nak marah bachelor degree dia blom habis lagi) tapi sbb dah habit, so dia asyik cakap tipuuu jer...

Nasib baik bende nie dah lepas....

Knp tetiba nak cerita pasal nie, baru je dia add my FB and ajak chatting ym...


eiwww...harus pangkah orang macam ni...tak sesuai~

almost alike story - not working, curang, but keep coming back. huh, payah!

babe, even thought i don't know you close..
but i think a girl like you don't need a ***** guy like him.
u deserve better.

mekaseh all dah singgah...
ye memang harap2 xjumpa lagi lelaki yang macam nie in the future...

saya pon same gak..siap org laki tu wat saya ni banker dia .. pastu duit tu gi joli ngan pompuan lain..pastu bila ajak saya makan..dia suruh saya bayar utk dia n kawan2 dia sama.. WTF..haha..jahat tol ayat i..but he deserve..last2 saya tuntut sume utang dia..pastu before putus..saya asyik order makanan je kat dia suh datang anta kat saya.,.tapi saya hanya akan turun berlenggang kangkong je..duit xbawak ape pun xbwk..kira balas balik dr ape dia wat kat saya..biar dia plak tanggung makan minum saya..hehe..pastu saya tuntut hutang dia yg ratus2 ngan saya tu..ngehngehngeh..bebas giler lepas tu..

same la darling... i dah tabung duit kat bank, sbb i belajar kat malaysia, he hold the atm card. balik2 indonesia habis dah duit tue untuk belanja gf dia tue... huhu...

tapi hope experience tu bole jadi pelajaran untuk kita yer :)

tau xpe lalink..mmg pastu jadi pengajaran betol la..lau ade lelaki yg cam tu kan..i terus reject lucky skang I dpt lelaki yg lebih bagus drpd tu..yg memahami yg saya ni still lagi belajar yang income pon up and down..hehehe

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