Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cari Baju Kawen?

Tengah blogwalking ke banyak blog yang sekarang nie wat preparation untuk wedding, Ms Red Ribbon terjumpa satu link to one of wedding kebaya provider. Kenapa terkejut? Sebab kawan Ms Red Ribbon is the owner of the boutique.

Kawan nie sebetolnya xpernah jumpa face to face lagi. Asyik janji2 jer nak jumpa, tapi xjumpa2 jugak. Hehe... But she's my brother's friend, and my family pon kenal dia jugak. I je sorang yang xpernah jumpa kot since I dok kat KL. She came from Tasikmalaya (West Java, my real kampong) and if I'm not mistaken 1,5 year ago she married a Malaysian guy (wedding photographer) and stay in KL ever since. Selama nie, communication thru Facebook jer. Suke sgt ngan dia sbb she's so pretty and her kebaya collection cantek2 :)

Nie la owner boutique tue

Kalau Ms Red Ribbon nak kawen kat Malaysia nie pasti la amek perkhidmatan kawan punyer kan? Masalahnye, kawin kat Jakarta. So cari kebaya sewa ke tempah kat Jakarta je la hehehe...

Jom layan collection RUMAH KEBAYA:

So I wrote this entry sekali gak nak promote kan her business. Hehehe... If you ada nak tempah, xpayah mention my name yer. Tapi kalau mention my name bole dapat discount, then mention jer la :)

Btw, skrg pon tgh ada promo:

Atau search kat Facebook : Rumah Kebaya Malaysia



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