Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kelantan Trip 2010 - Part 2 (a)

Now is time for Kelantan Trip Story Part 2
Missed the Part 1? Click HERE to read.

Morning! 10am we all had breakfast at Siti Khadijah Market. It was just 5 minutes walking distance from the hotel. The market is not only a marketto buy sayur ke groceries, but on second floor, banyak kedai makan yang best2... Uiissshhh naik jer ke tingkat 2 terus mata niexnak blinking tengok makanan makanan MAKANAN! Hehehe...

Breakfast with everyone... I had sup daging. The taste a bit sweet. They said orang Kelantan memang suka masak manis. They even put extra sugar on the table in case kita rasa cam kurang manis. Huaaaa... sup tu dah rasa macam syrup tau (hehe). And I taste nasi dagang from Edna, taste nice! Nicer than the one we had last nite, xsedap langsung yang semalam. Rugi la breakfast tu I xmakan nasi dagang :(

Nie la sup tue... Manis2 pon habis juga... sedaaapp...

Then shopping time! Teman my friend beli telur penyu nie... Ish ish dah 2x jumpa telur penyu, last time when I was in Terengganu. I still don't dare to eat it. Not even touch it! Kesiaaann kan penyu2 tue...

After that we went back to hotel and get ready. Sekali check out juga. Actually pagi tue mmg dah siap, just nak salin baju jer. Sebab second day nie majlis kat rumah pihak lelaki, kat area Tumpat. A bit far from Kota Bahru, nearby Thailand border. So, memang kene jalan awal2...

But before that, we dropped by at Istana Raja Kelantan. Camwhoring session :)


Saje bergambar kat sini, ramai kawan nak tengok Istana tue camne...

Mr Red Ribbon suker sangat bergambar dekat meriam. 
I still don't know why, everytime jumpa meriam, kat situla dia nak bergambar...

Camwhoring again. With the jubah and hijab, I felt like I was at somewhere... 
not in Malaysia...

Hrrmm tulisan jawi and pokok kelapa... Am I at Abu Dhabi? Hehehe...

Bukan laaa... Takkan Abu Dhabi ada patung Budha... Kan? Kan?

To be continued...


haha..tetibe rasa cam kat emirates ek? ehehe..kelakar la u ni..cun la lalink pakai jubah n hijab..dah boleh jadi isteri solehah..hehe ...insyaAllah..

saya org Tumpat. Tak pergi ke Pantai Sri Tujuh keee? hehe. shopping kat Pengkalan Kubor takk..

@waalllaa! :
hehe... bole ker jadi istri solehah? cam masih jauuuh jer jadi istri solehah... takpe, belajar sikit2 kan... insyaallah...

@salmia :
hehe, thanks salmia...

@syima :
pegi pengkalan kubor jugak :) tapi pantai sri tujuh tu tak pegi, tak sempat pi mana2 la :(

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