Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Went to Kampong Orang Asli :)

Today I would like to story mory about this one Kampong Orang Asli at Sepang area.
Not far from Sepang, I remember that day I went there, I met one of orang asli there at Masjid Sepang and I followed him to his place for around 15 minutes drive.

That was my first time meeting up with orang asli. I have a task to find a place and someone who can teach how to dance tari orang asli. It was for an RTM TV programme where the hosts have to leasrn how to dance in one day. Calling here calling there, finally I met this guy, I forgot his name, it's on my handphone phone book (too lazy to check, just call him Abang A).
So, after few call, he finally agree to teach them. He didn't ask for any payment (sooo generous) but since we want him to gather some of orang asli people to watch the hosts performing the dance, he hope we could provide them some food for dinner after the shoot done.

Here is orang asli house which is modern already, that's my thought only.

They are building this balai for future need, for orang asli gathering and a place for them to teach their ancestor of orang asli dance and all their traditional dance, songs, art, etc

Abang A was sooo diligent and patient in building balai nie. With his job as a fisherman, dia sanggup to keep aside some bucks to build this place together with all the villagers.

This is me and him. I listen to him explaining on how's orang asli life. And me also explain to him on what we need from him to make the tv programme successful.

Such a great experience for me visiting them. And for those who need orang Asli Dancer, Abang A has a group of Orang Asli Dancer which has many experiences in product/building launching, also cultural nite performances. If you interested to engage them just write to me and I will tell you how to contact them.



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