Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Test Drive NEW VIOS

Familiar with this picture?

Yes, it's one of Nuffnang ads. And I clicked on it, then signed up for its ALTIS TEST DRIVE. The next working day, one of the sales person called Mr Red Ribbon and asked whether he interested to take VIOS Test Drive? Hrrmmm, actually we signed up for ALTIS TEST DRIVE but ended up getting offered to drive VIOS. Nevermind, he took the challenge!!! Hohoho...

When we arrived the sales person welcome us in very nice manner. His name is Vincent, btw. You may call him if you interested to do some test drive on TOYOTA car. 

Then we get into the car. TEST DRIVE!!! Ngeeenngg... ngeeenngg...

kejap je test drive tu, around 15 minutes.

Checking every part of the unit

Can't get enough with the VIOS, Mr Red Ribbon nak jugak masuk ALTIS :)

That's all my short story from last Sunday's test drive. The car is good. The automatic pick up very smooth. Interior okay. It's just that the car feels so small. Sitting in front or back, I'm just feeling like I'm inside Kelisa :(
But I can say that the sales person was so nice, I'm feeling like wanna buy one VIOS if I have money :P

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