Monday, October 4, 2010

My best friend's wedding at Alor Setar

Forget about THE INCIDENT ON NORTH PLUS HIGHWAY, now I'd like to share my story from last Saturday when I went to (one of my) bestfriend's wedding at Alor Setar.
Jussof a.k.a Joey, that's his name. I just knew him from early 2009. Not that long, rite? But he's been a great buddy for me. I got to know him from my friend and this guy is doing business. So then him and I become sort of a partner in formulating business plan. I was just helping him out. Apart from that, he was a good friend of mine. He's the MOST KIND PERSON WHO ALWAYS BELANJA I MAKAN, ahaha... His pricipal is he will always belanja his friends makan and jalan2 if he has money. If someday he didn't belanja us, I will sure that there's only like RM 10 inside his wallet. He belanja all of us until no more money left. So generous person...

He's also my first listener when I had problem with Mr.RRBNer2 on Dec 2009. He's the first person I talked too. I couldn't ask for much from him, seeing his sincerity in the friendship.

Suddenly he told me a week before Raya that he's going to get marry. It was a shocking news! Coz he has many friends, girl friends also. I don't know which one is his', he's too kind to friends and also to girls so that I can't see which one is the special one.
But the answer was finally revealed...

The majlis was held on 2nd October 2010, finnaly saw him bersanding with his chosen girl, Maryam.
So we went to Kedah, with this lil cute creature:

perkenalkan nie Noriko a.k.a Iko, kuceng yang ku sayang sgt2, teman tido :) dah sama2 since 2004

nie total bayar tol from KL until Penang... pastu sambung lagi until Alor Setar RM 12

finally sampai kat Kedah...

gedik jap... :D

All of his friends can't attend the wedding, so that was only me and Mr.RRBNer2 who came. Hope Jussof happy with our attendance :)

now officially husband and wife, Jussof and Maryam.
aren't they cute in pink?

bersama penganten

snapped their picture again...

The sad part is that Jussof is not gonna stay at KL anymore, both of them will permanently stay at Kedah :(

After that we took a lil ride around the city for a while...

kitaorang pon nak juga bergambar couple hehe

yg nie me, solo jer...

We didn't explore Alor Setar so much, just went to the place on pics above then went back to KL... Probably next time we come back Alor Setar again. Infact, I've been to Alor Setar before on 2008 (working) and sempat la jalan2 skit... Hehe...

Just want to congratulate the newly wed, hope both of you can live a happy life ever after. And don't forget your friends at KL yeah...


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