Monday, October 4, 2010

Mr.RRBNer2's friend wedding...

So many things I haven't updated yet. I don't know, but these few days was quite busy PLUS my Digi line got cut and haven't pay the bills yet coz of the bz-ness (no la, mmg tgh takde duit kot, hehe).

So today I went out just to look for a place that got WiFi hihi, and started to blogging again after few days busssyyy sangat2... 

So now I just wanted to share my pictures from last week's wedding. It's Fazri, Mr.RRBNer2's college friend. Location at Greenwood, Gombak area. Kejap je pi sana... After that lepak with his other college friends at Melawati...

Hehe by the way the baju kurung I wore in the picture is from one of Preloved Blog, the girl gave it to me for FREE.... Hehehe... thanks thanks yea  :)


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers