Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blogging malam2 selepas penat wat keje2 persiapan kahwin... | Banyak BE baru!

As salam, bloggers...
Sapa belum tidur lagi?
Hehe saya lum tidur...
Sebab baru je nak rehat selepas satu hari lari sana lari sini (kat umah je bukan kat lapang) siapkan nie tue persiapan kahwin...
Penat tapi I really want to finish everything soon so that I will have time to rest before the wedding day...
So, terpaksa la penat pon kne wat juga...

Sajer2 malam nie browsing2, blogwalking, tengok2 my BE dah ada 4!
Alhamdulillah... rezeki...
Last time last week kot wat entry pasal BE dah jadi 2, tetibe dah 4 dah!
This is the first time tahun nie dapat 4 BE...
The first month juga (June) this year dapat BE...
What a great month, luv it!

My brother's bday just around the corner... 28th June...
Jangan la sampai keBZan akan membuatku lupa bday dia...
Hmmm nak watpe yer...


seronok nyer dpt BE banyak..nak juge..hehe

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers