Thursday, December 16, 2010

Orchid for Mom :)

Waaaaa... ada orchid kat rumah!!!
Mesti Ms Red Ribbon baru pi orchid farm hari nie...
Yup betul!!!

Today I work at the orchid farm. So happy and always happy to work there even only for 2days in a month, hehe... But so happy... Especially when lunch time come... Hehehe coz we all free to choose what to eat. And today we had lunch at Secret Recipe. Dah laaaammmmaaaa giler xmakan kat Secret Recipe. Selalunya KFC. Tapi boss nie baik sgt2 dia tunjuk kedai Secret Recipe yang paling dekat drpd farm tue :)

Then time balik umah... I bring back some Orchid for mom. She really love orchid. Before this she also had a small orchid farm at my house's backyard. But later on she became tired to take care of those orchids. Mungkin time tu baru start bela kucing kat umah, so attention dah pindah daripada orchid ke anak kucing...

Betul jugak, balik rumah, bagi orchid tu kat mom, and she look very happy! She want orchid everyday, she said. Hwaaa mana bole, once a month je boleh bawa balik orchid :)


kekekekekek......i do love orchid tp MALAS nk jaga

cantiknye orchid tu... nk jugak..

memang cantik, ms Red Ribbon pown malas nak jaga huhu... :)

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