Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Luahan hati tengah malam...

Dear, Blog...

Tak tau malam nie nak cakap ngan siapa. Yang pasti my mom will not listen even tho she's just next to me. She doesn't agree with what I did just now. Also my dad. He'll mad if he knew...

I have this adik bungsu. I don't know how the right way to react with all he's done. Maybe I'm not a good sister. Yes, that might be true. I'm not that close with him... Soooo not close. When he stepped into his teenager era, I was out from the house and stayed with my grandma. I rarely seeing him. Then the next year my brother went Germany for study and the following year my sister moved out from the house too, staying with my other grandma for study purposes too.

So, this bungsu was all alone at home with my parents and became sooo manja!

Honestly, he's such a spoil guy (guy-coz now he's 22 y.o already)
Been few days I tried sooo hard to be patient to whatever he wanted. So he wanted to go back Jakarta on 14th. But the flight fare is sooo much cheaper on 19th Dec. Since he don't have any class at the moment and mom wants to be here with me until 19th Dec too so we bought ticket for him on 19th Dec also. But he doesn't care whether the fare is RM300 or RM1000 or RM2000 he wants it to be tomoro!!!

Hello? U ingat kita ada pokok duit ke? sungai duit? ladang duit?

Too manja til my parents never want to speak up the truth in front of him. Now  dia merajuk n marah2 and my mom feel guilty for not listening to what my brother said. Hey, why mom? Sampai bila kena ikut apa cakap dia? Dia balik pon bukan untuk pegi kelas, bukan untuk belajar, untuk main2 jer ngan kawan2 dia, berhari2 tak balik buat orang2 pening kepala.

Bukan xsayang kat u, dear adik... 
Tapi bila u nak sedar?
Kakak sedih sangat2...

So malam nie kira I begaduh sikit ngan my brother. Sedih. Xnak pon bergaduh.
Tapi bila lagi I bole bercakap bende betul, bagi dia nasihat, bagi dia sedar...
Orang tua dah berumur...
Bila my mom bole tengok adik rajin belajar, cepat habis sekola, keje...


uuuggghhh... sesak dada fikirkan nakalnya dia... :(

slow talk je ngan dia..biasalah lelaki dah meningkat remaja ni kalau boleh semua benda nak kena ikut cakap dia..but as a sister maybe kena tegas ckit kot..

@fideila :
thanks for the comment. i rasa salah plak bagi nasihat kat dia on his FB wall... sbb dia tulis kakak dia ni jahat xbagi dia balik dia nak keje, so semua kengkawan dia support dia. but the real thing is dia nak balik sbb nak hang out ngan kawan2 dia yang nakal2 juga... bukan keje pown...

huuu sedeh...

jangan di ikutkan sgt perangai budak2.. dia baru nak UP tu..remaja lagi la katakan..kdg2 kena ajar jugak..but better bagi slow talk nnt dia tak faham2 jugak ..kdg2 kena tegur..kalau tak boleh pokai mak bapak..hehe...n bg nasihat kt dia nk kawan ngan sume org boleh tapi perangai yg buruk jangan di ikut..huhu..I have a friend like dat..so poor coz he is a gud guy from the beginning..tapi silap pilih kawan..jadi nakal la dia..

tu la lalink... tgh try ajar dia sikit... tapi terus merajuk...
dia memang good guy pon, tp once he's surrounded his friends (termasuk berchatting and berfacebook ngan kengkawan dia) terus berubah nakal n manja :(

harap2 la adikku ni faham yg kakak dia tegur camnie sbb sayangkan dia...

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