Friday, December 24, 2010

Hijab Creation Ala Arab

I'm relaxing with mom today and while I'm blogging she told me she likes the way people from Middle East wearing hijab. My mom nie lagi suka bergaya daripada anak2 dia. Hehhe...
So, layan je time dia suh Ms Red Ribbon browsing pasal cara2 pakai tudung ala ala Middle East.

cantik la style diaorang. bole pakai jubah that really covered your body but still looks stylish kan?
like it!

After browsing around, I will share with you all what I got from Google.
Here are HOW TO wear different kind of hijab style from Middle East:

Selamat mencuba!


cantikla cara pakai shawl tu..
bolehla cube jaya pas ni~ ehehe..

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