Friday, December 24, 2010

Ku Merindu Ella dan Ku Menunggu Rossa

Ms Red Ribbon wants to story mory about this 2 songs from these two beautiful singers. First time I notice that there is a similarity between the two songs was when I tuned in one radio station in Jakarta. I hear a song that exactly the same like Ella's song : Ku Merindu. But noo, that wasn't Ella's voice! It's Rossa!

Alright, at first I was thought that Rossa re-sing the song, like what Ahmad Dhani did for P.Ramlee song "Madu Tiga". But few seconds after that, the lyrics of this Rossa's songs are different with the one Ella sang. Well, in some parts, both songs have same lyrics, but in another parts got differences.

Want to hear the songs?

and here goes Rossa version:

I was wondering whether Rossa 'ciplak' Ella song? Tapi xkan la ciplak sampai sebijik camtue!
So, I googled this and found at that there is A POSSIBILITY that the song was actually bought by Ella from Indonesian composer. But I don't know how's the deal until Rossa is also able to sing it again...
Actually kan, bende2 cam nie not only happened once or twice between these 2 countries. Tapi banyak kali! Sometimes there is a misscommunication which both artists are not openly tell the public what's going on. For example, Ahmad Dhani has told the media that he will work on P.Ramlee song and dah dapat kebenaran to re-arrange the song and re-sing again. Kan senang orang dengar. But if xada cerita apa2, that will bring many assumption (mostly negative one) from public. Ye kan?

Public kan xtau who the composer is. What people know is that Ella sang the song first.


ha ah la...melodi nya sama...huhu

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