Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Family Raya Story...

As written in this ENTRY, I wasn't able to be at home for Aidil Adha. Sometimes Aidil Adha with family is lot more cheerful with Aidil Fitri coz there's qurban time which all family get involved together hand in hand to prepare the qurban execise. Year by year, Alhamdulillah my family is able to qurban-kan lembu. Normally, my parents qurban for their children but since we all grown up already but not yet settled down and married (except my elder brother) so we only 'sumbang' a bit to mom. Hehe... I'm still berhutang for this year's Raya, wish to repay back when my family in KL in 2 weeks time. I know it is not a must to do qurban, but I want to get used to it since early, so when I'm stable enough (hopefully, someday) enough, I can exercise this for myself :)

This is the lembu, quite big coz it's Bali's lembu

dah start process of qurban, always can't stand to see blood :(

preparing 'goodie bag' for people out there, waiting...

my little love, de' Rizqi with my dad and kepala lembu :P

So missing them... Wish I could join them for next year's Raya Qurban. And I'm so hating my sister coz she said she won't come home for Raya Qurban. So I said "okay, I won't go home as well, I'll just see you at KL on December." But then suddenly my mom called on Raya "Hey, why u not go home? Your sister is here, asking for you..." Huuuuuu it's not fair! Tau macam tue nak balik kampong juga :(

Btw, this year's Raya Qurban pic at KL with Mr Red Ribbon's family is up soon. Coz all pics are inside his camera, need to get them first and write a story about it. Hope everyone having a great time with family on this year's Raya. Hope this Raya can bring barokah for all of us by remembering UNFORTUNATE PEOPLE OUT THERE that need our help. And remembering that we all that can still surf, write a blog, eat 3 times a day, ARE VERY LUCKY coz many people out there still suffering from starving, tsunami, volcano, no job, etc...

Say, "Alhamdulillah" for what we had now.


yang...ajar i cmne nk buh tweet kat entry blog..hihihi
apepun,...Selamat Hari Raya Qurban

i ada tinggal comment kat shoutbox...
Selamat Raya jugak :)

besarnya lembu tu . seronok kn kalau raya dgn family :)

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