Friday, October 8, 2010

So PENAT Today

I woke up just now 2.15am from my beautiful dream (xdream apapon) then went to kitchen, suddenly feel so hungry and thirsty. Started blogwalking for like only 3 minutes and got this message on my shoutbox from IEFA

tiefazatie: hye sis!sis..nape sis sllu lewat2 nie bru ade??hihi..sis kt oversea ke?

Takde la. Ni kat Selangor, belum oversea lagi kan drpd Terengganu?
Probably most of the time she only met me during night time, as if I'm a vampire from Twilight kan? (Vampires kat movie tu pon hidup time tengah hari jugak). Hehehe... I nie memang KAKI MALAM, ooppsss ape tu kaki malam? Right after Raya, I was quite busy with assignment and NIGHT TIME is my fav time to do my assignment. After I done with it, I need like a week to return back my NORMAL SLEEPING HOURS. And that will be few days back. If you all realize lately I posted like 2-4 entries every day from morning, noon, evening. And that should be a good news for me, that my sleeping time has BACK TO NORMAL. So today after work and dinner I felt so tired, when my laptop restarting I terus terlelap... *zzzz zzzz*

pics from, for illustration purposes only

So today I got to work at the orchid farm again. I haven't got a chance to take some pictures of my boss' new orchid farm. I ade cite skit je kat SINI. Ciannyer hari nie kitaorang lunch jaaauuuhhhh sgt sgt, takes like 30minutes driving just to get to nearest KFC just becoz of me. Why? Coz there is NO HALAL FOOD RESTAURANT nearby the farm, so we all have go all the way to Kota Damansara to find one. A quite tiring day but so happy we all almost done with the job. Normally we only work for like 2 full days, but this time hope we can finish tomoro latest 2pm. Yay!!! After that dah plan dapat fee terus nak bayar2 sume2 bill kat umah haik haik pastu shopping skit... :)

Skang ni nak makan jap, tetibe lapar plak... Takut gemok??? Ntah, saye tak berapa takut gemok. Infact, when I checked my BMI HERE, my weight normal jer... (sebetolnya badan dah full lemak, huaaaa....)


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers