Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pics from 8TV Showdown Streetfest 10.10.10

Ms Red Ribbon dah start mengantuk but then feels like wanted to share a story of her 10.10.10 moment :)
As written HERE, Ms Red Ribbon and Mr Red Ribbon spent the day together opening a bazaar booth at 8TV Showdown Streetfest.

 Here are some pixies, enjoy!

the HUGE bazaar banner

our booth, supposed to be packed by stuffs but unfortunately been busy not updating our stock at the online boutique again. but whatever it is, business is still on!

games by 8tv crew

dance tutorial, i'm sooo gonna move by only watching them!

its me watching people dancing on stage...

me and him...

Echo Park guys, next door shop... very much supporting us :)

me, him, and his friend

So many blur pics. I did bring my lovely camera, but suddenly the memory card is broken. Took some nice pics but then wwoooossshhh all gone. Huaaa so sad...

Anyway, a bit story about my bazaar booth. I was actually supposed to share the booth with one blogshop. But the lady didn't showed up for the briefing and that day also. I was a bit pissed, but I was pretty sure there is something happen. She's an owner of a blogshop and also got real boutique at Shah Alam, I was sure she's professional enough to really wanna share or just main2. Handphone pon off, betol2 bengong...
But then 8TV was very kind, we are allowed to sell some food. So that will be our first option since our barang sikit jer. So we sell drinks (mineral water and air kotak) also sandwich as business sambil2 jer. TAPI LAKU GILERR... (macam Giler Battle crew, ahahaha) Alhamdulillah... Clothes ade la laku 10 helai. Air tu more than 100 bottles :) Kne lari sana sini top up box ais tu... :)

The next day, she emailed me saying dia kne robbed (duuu kesian sgt), sedih i dengar. Then she offer to pay half of the booth rent. Waaa... no need la dear... Dah la kne robbed, xnak la buat susah. Hope case dia bole settle, laptop, wallet, ngan handphone sume hilang. 

So, tu jer cite drpd 8TV Showdown. Btw semua performance artist2 tu BEST!!!
xrugi pegi :)


xpe yank..yang penting enjoy!

giller battle crew emang laku....;p
dope x diorg hari tue...????
xdpt g la...=(

@ nini : enjoy sesangat :)
@ dilla : diorang best, siap buka booth Giller Battle jual merchandise diorang n drinks jugak :) next time ade lagi jom pgi... bole ikut belajar dance kasi buang lemak sikit :D

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers