Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Orang Botak Pakai Shampoo?

I got 2 best friends yang botak. Actually some of my friends pon botak, it's just these two are consider kawan rapat. Both of them have a name starting with "J" (nama glemer n nama betol pon start from J). One is Jack and one is Joey.

Joey in green, Jack in black.
I called them UPIN IPIN :)

And this goes the story...

I went to Giant foe groceries shopping with Mr.RRBNer2 and this fellow Jack, hehe...
Mr Jack wanted to go to buy something at toiletries area while me usha2ing anything at women section. When I approached Mr Jack, I saw him holding this one thing sooooo looks like A BOTTLE OF SHAMPOO...
Without any doubt, i told Mr Jack...

Me : "Ey... you don't have hair why buying shampoo? What for?" 
Jack : "Not shampoo la, see closer... "

Ahaha, it wasn't shampoo bottle. It's SHOWER GEL! Akakaka...
So sorry la Mr Jack, I'm not used to sabun cecair macam nie. I biasa pakai soap yang biasa la...
Maaf2 yek... hehehe...

Alaaa takkan botak man ni bodoh kan? Takkan beli shampoo kan? I je yg bongok kot :P


mueheheheheh...bukan la..u prihatin..takot your fren tersilap amik...kot2 nak amik benda lain..teramik lak shampoo

hehehe betol tu... sayang kan kat kawan2 :)

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