Friday, October 15, 2010

My Travel Diary : Singapore Art Museum

It's been a while I didn't update on my TRAVEL journey. Okay, I did told you that this October I don't have any class, and not much job to do. So most of the time I'm at home and now currently saving some money for December (my family coming down to KL). I'm currently not travel ing anywhere. But now I feel like sharing this Travel story to Singapore Art Museum (SAM) earlier this year which of course at Singapore.

 patung2 nie ada kat luar... posing2 jap :)

The appearance of the building is modern contemporary yet we still can find classic art displayed inside the museum. I know I know... you all might hate museum, sounds so boring is it? But I don;' know, that time I was at Singapore and chose to visit this Museum by seeing some pictures of it from flyer. Another reason is that getting in to museum consider CHEAP if we compare with the entrance ticket to UNIVERSAL STUDIO or any other tourist attraction. Hahaha...

We arrived there ALMOST 6pm and it was closing in like 30 minutes so the guard said we don't need to pay entrance fee since we only can stay inside for a while. YAY!!! Another penjimatan for my holiday! (you better do this trick, come late while they are about to close, hehe!)

 you think that is seriously deep? hhrrmm... go there to find out!

museum, with paintings, a must!

Yup, that's all about it... I have many pictures of my trip to SAM, but I just want you all to go there and feel the museum atmosphere. When was the last time you went to museum??? I bet AGES ago!!!


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers