Friday, October 15, 2010

Up traffic. Write anything controversy.

Do you???

If you see, many blog entries about controversy things can invites many commentators to leave their comments and it will surely up the blog traffic. Writing controversy topic, like for example anything related to sex (as in jantina), religion, race, etc will trigger some debate between people with pro and contra mind. It's kinda scary when you don't really know who are your reader (let's say your reader is EVERYBODY in the world, because your blog is open for public). You don't know what will happen next, let say some parties are not satisfy with whatever you wrote that jeopardize them, you should watch out that they will sue you someday!

As for me,

As I know I'm not a perfect moslem that it is not in my capacity to tell people doing this and that. And even speaking about ONE SAME RELIGION, we all following different mazhab which I think I'm going to stop talking about this now as my life has been so confuse listening to people to follow their kind of 'ajaran'.

Coz for me, we all the same. We can't say "oww ppl from that country are bad" "that race is usually jual dadah" "those people in that bangsa memang selalu wat jenayah" or whatsoever la. Coz, look around you, good and bad is never been depending on what is your race. You must ever see people from race A doing good things, and bad things. And also race B, we can find some of them good and some of them bad.

For me, writing those kind of blog posts can only bring up some debate, even worst, FIGHTING. Getting more traffic is nothing than you see how many people SWORE on your BLOG and fighting each other. Don't let your BLOG facilitate people to fight...

So just stop it and let's write for more PEACE IN THE WORLD.


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