But look at her eyes! Such a rare color for a cat! Blue purplish? Dark Lilac Blue? Hehe whatever it is, those eyes are pretty!
But later on when I came back home again, I was asking about her. Then my dad look at my mom, mom also didn't say anything, buat2 sibuk dengan keje die.
After that when I asked my maid, she said my mom dah buang Cemot! Huaaaa... I didn't talk about it again with mom but suddenly she confessed that she has left Cemot somewhere far from home coz too many cat at home. And she has chosen to throw Cemot coz she's comot :(

So, this pictures are the only story I have about her. Cute Cemot. Hope you all like her too like I do :)
she is cute la..nape buang dia..huhu..cedih..lagi cedih buang dia sbb dia comot..huhu..mesti dia rasa rendah diri giler..cian cemot..
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