Monday, October 18, 2010

Finally, went to ICT!

Cite pasal usha kain LILAC for my friend's wedding xhabis lagi... Saturday night I went to TESCO Shah Alam to look for it, but couldn't find the kain/baju that I wanted. Came out from TESCO, I was just telling Mr Red Ribbon that so many bloggers have written a story about I-City in Shah Alam. I knew the place, been around that area for this one famous Halal Yong Tau Fu restaurant for couple of times, but never had a chance to go to I-City.

Suddenly, I felt like we were in wrong direction.

Ms Red Ribbon : "ish, nak ke mane ni? kenape xamek kiri?"
Mr Red Ribbon : "ade laaa..."
Ms Red Ribbon : ???

Yay, just as I thought, he took me to ICT!!!

Actually, we went there for one reason too. We are now looking for a place (a restaurant to be precised, for THIS REASON). But after we went there, we found out that the place is not suitable for our plan. Too crowded (that nite the crowd was like New Year's Eve crowd... ramaiii giler....) Perhaps we should look forward to a family restaurant, typical2 yang sepi, banyak pokok, sejuk, bersih, xbising, etc...

Baru masuk, dah jam!

cantik, banyak lampu2...

ada cactus!!! bukan cactus betul... :)

sorry camera xclear time malam :(

nie Mr Red Ribbon a.k.a SUPERMAN :P

Cantik lampu2 nie...

nie diorang wat castle

Okay, enough of the pictures. I just want to comment a bit on I-City:

- Enterance fee RM10/car
For me, this place is just another shoplot, not theme park or something. Kinda expensive for me. But to think of "ow maybe the money to top up their electricity bills", well then okay.

- The place too crowded
Maybe it's becoz of Saturday nite, but seriously it was sooo crowd (mcm tengah ada perayaan new year). I'm wondering how is it gonna be on new year's eve itself.

- This is not for long term
I don't know what's the developer plan. But people will be boring with this kind of thing, especially if people have to pay for it. For me, this is the place where once you go there, snapped some pictures, and that's it you won't go there anymore. Not much to see. And it's just like that. Unless they are keep upgrading, keep changing the shape and adding the quantity of the lights, maybe they can survive with the business. Currently many shoplots are still EMPTY. So probably in the future when all shoplots are taken, they will stop doing this I-City lights thing. Or maybe there will be no entrance fee anymore in the future.

Tapi, I think the lights at Xmas/New Year @ The Curve decoration lagi cantik. Here's the picture:

By the way, I-City is OPEN 24 HOURS a day, 7 days a week. When I left the place, it was around 11pm and people still coming in. Jam lagi teruk! Huaaaa...


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