Monday, October 18, 2010

Color of your dress = looks good or bad?

People react to colors just before anything else. It is so important for you to pick a color that can be advantageous for you, which of course to create a positive impression.

Understanding what different colors mean to other people, means you can dress to project different images with the correct choice of color.


Around 60% of clothes sold in western countries are black. The reason for this is - Black can be used both formally and informally to great effect. Like for example when you come to a formal meeting, you can dress formally and wears anything in black and it will suggests elegance, strength, authority, power and control.

 On business meetings or any formal event, black is always a safe color. In Western cultures it gets peoples attention and respect. When worn properly, you can’t go wrong in black. Dark colors are always more effective in formal situations. Dark grey and navy blue also conjure up a similar image. 


Except Red Ribbon. Ahahahaha...

Why does red trigger a negative response? Think of signs that warn you of things i.e. tanda seru time orang marah kat u or a no smoking or any other sign warning you not to do something! If you want, you can mix and match your red clothes with other color. Unless you want to be sexy, wearing all red plus red lipstick  and red pump heels (wwooowww, that is sexy).

But there are of course differences between societies in colors they like and don’t like. A good example is red, which is seen as a very positive color by the Chinese. It's visualise a prospectious life.

Colors to make you look slimmer
Generally the darker the color the slimmer you will appear, no wonder black is so popular yea? The other trick of using color to look slimmer is to make sure that you dress in one color only.
Why? Because you are not bisecting your figure and you are not drawing attention to any of the problem areas of your body. 
Colors to enhance your look
For example let’s take someone with a pale complexion. They should not wear many light colors such as yellow and lime green, as this will simply make them look washed out. If you are careful in your color selection you can draw attention to your good points and deflect from your bad points.
Colors of fun
If you want to project a fun image you can use vibrant light colors. In western cultures we present these with fun. All these in our psyche represent having a good time. It will make you look leaner, healthier, and happier :)

Hope this helps :)


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