Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jimat Beli Ayam ala Ms Red Ribbon Part I

Ntah hape2 nie been few days asyik cakap pasal ayaaaammmm je hehehe... Sebetulnya Red Ribbon nie suke sangat masak. But when people ask me HOW TO COOK, i just simply say, "I follow no specific recipe, I only cook based on my own taste and feel."

This time, Red Ribbon wants to share how to cook chicken efficiently. Pretty much a tips not recipes :)

Hidup membujang and nak berjimat are two main concern of Miss Red Ribbon. When planning to cook chicken at home, sometimes people have to buy parts of chicken seperately because he/she only stay alone at rumah sewa or with few housemates at home. So if we buy too much chicken pon in just few days the chicken will be rosak/busuk. As you may know, chicken ni xberapa tahan sangat even if you put on fridge/freezer. Lagi if you buy non-fresh chicken.


FRESH CHICKEN : seriously fresh, still got fresh blood.  Lemak kaler putih kuning. And when you press, it will elastically back to flat surface again. Oya btw the meat looks yellowish white and fresh! I suggest you keep max. 3days (no touching).

NON-FRESH CHICKEN : been a day or two at the supermarket, the outside looks pale, and the blood is not as red as the fresh one, in some part turns to green already (the green-look one i don't want buy). IAnd when you press, it will be dent and will keep that way. I suggest you straight away cook it, and max. the next day you have to cook and eat it (no touching).

That's why many bujangers (this is what I called us, or maybe family of 2, newly-wed?) opt to buy chicken part only, just because they afraid the chicken will be busuk in short time.

But in many times people buy whole chicken coz it's cheaper than if you buy only parts of it. Let's compare the price:

TIGHT = RM 7.39 / kg
WING  = RM 7.89 / kg
LIVER = RM 3.50 / pack

WHOLE CHICKEN = RM 6.39 / kg

(all price are for illustration pusposes only, subjected to change every day)

When you want different parts of the chicken, I suggest to buy the whole chicken. Like for me, I need to medically eat chicken liver, at the same time I don't want my chicken to be all tight (xberapa sedap when you cook soup coz less stock from the bone) and then chicken wing? For me the price too high for just chicken wing (smallest part which I hope the price should be cheaper).

So, WHOLE CHICKEN is my choice of buying. How about you?

If you want to check how to make your WHOLE CHICKEN last longer up to ONE WEEK? Even more?
Wait for Jimat Beli Ayam ala Ms Red Ribbon Part II
 (all pix from en.Google)


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