Tuesday, October 5, 2010


from faizsulaiman.com

It's been more than a week I've been suffering from having no internet at home. I used to use my DIGI number to connect to internet, even it has some connection problem also.

Not to say Digi has bad coverage, but I must say yes, DIGI in my area has problem. I stay in Damansara area but no... DIGI also cover this area. The main problem is (only) PELANGI DAMANSARA.

I was thinking of lodge a report to DIGI for quite some time, but I was just malas la...

So, there are some condo & apartment in this are such as: ASTANA PELANGI, PELANGI DAMANSARA CONDO, PELANGI DAMANSARA APARTMENT. I've stayed at two of those apartments and DIGI line there was... so sorry to say... s**ks!

I've been using DIGI for more than 5 years and I never think of switching that main line to other line. I even converted it into DIGI post paid. But it is sad when I finnaly moved to this apartment area I got problem with DIGI line. I don't know why. Is it because this area cover by bukit??? So it disrupt the line???

I used to use my handphone as modem and keep browsing using my laptop when I stayed in Ampang, then moved to Sunway, all seemed okay. Now, I should open only 1 website then only I can surf the net.

That's the reason why I become so malas paying DIGI bills coz I feel like wanted to just let them blocked it for a while, coz I'm not going to use it at some moment.

from gadgets.emedia.com.my
Few months ago, I discovered this USB modem thing and put my DIGI inside. The connection was good! Even better when I browse at my living room, not my room. So I've been thinking of buying wireless modem where I can put the thing at living room but I still can surf from my room.

And suddenly, today Mr.RRBNer2 brought a present for me! And it is the thing that I've been wanting for so long!!!

Now I can put this router at the living room and share the internet with my hsemates!!!
Aww thank you sssoooo muuuccchhhh, babe. Soooo happy to have internet at my house again!
Soon.... (belum bayar bil Digi skrg, hahaha...)


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