Friday, May 27, 2011

Please VOTE Please | Gambar Prewedding Moroccan Theme join contest!

Kawan2 bloggers,

Selalunye kalau bab2 vote2 nie kne buka GA yer so korang leh vote and dapat hadiah in return.
Tapi honestly me baru je lepas wat GA, dahtue ada another GA running now...
So, nak minta tolong keikhlasan hati kawan2 untuk vote gambar me and Mr Red Ribbon...
Please please please kamu jangan nakal vote for me... :)

Gambar yang dipertaruhkan:

Kejap je, just LIKE the page, dah tue like the pic...
Really appreciate your vote...
Thanks :)


saya takde FB nak vote...hehe

@FK: thank u thank u
@waalllaa!: taknak kawan hehehe...

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