Monday, February 28, 2011

Pre Wedding Pics... The Flinstone Theme?

Start thinking of pre-wedding photography now...
What's the theme?

Tengah usha2 gambar, terjumpa plak couple nie wat ide The Flinstones...
Hahahahaha... Kelakar...
Kalau me, memang takkan la wat camnie hehehe...
Diorang sempoi je...

Sebetulnya dah ada beberapa idea untuk pre-wedding pic.
Tapi, nak kne amek few idea yang confirm (nanti me wat entry pasal nih) dahtue cari photograher...
Since our idea banyak (probably at least 4 theme), susah gak amek banyak photographer...
Baru dapat satu photographer je, mungkin buatkan 2 tema...
Another tema need photographer lagi...

Any photographer out there nak propose?
Xnak yang mahal2 tau...
Dahtue kalau ada photographer tgh kumpulkan portfolio also welcome...
Selalunyer free jer hehe, belanja makan bole? :)

I'm looking for one in KL and another one in Jakarta...
Only for pre-wedding pictures...
Sebab wedding photographer I think I had one already :)


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers