Saturday, January 8, 2011

Am I ready to leave my friends after getting married?

Last nite I went out with my friend. Quite close friend la bukan kawan just kenal2 macam tue. When I live in Indonesia, I was in this one group, a colony of people that interested in automotive. Those friends became my very  best friend, in past, now, and might be forever. And all of them are guys...

So seeing those friends again made me happy. And last nite was my time to tell them about my engagement plan with Mr Red Ribbon. They were like... quite shocked. But they understand la seeing my age is old already (heee yeah I'm old) and they supporting me too :) Telling everyone they met that me is getting engaged soon. And one of them told me that he's scared we can't meet up anymore after I become someone's wife. Not only this guy, but some friends of mine telling me the same thing in the past 2 months... 

I told them, NO, my bf was so understand who am I, who are they, why am I so attached with them. But yea they still telling me, I can't be that close anymore with them... Hmmm... I was thinking the same way too. Seriously 90% of my friends, I can say, all guys. I think Mr Red Ribbon knows it. And he never say NO everytime I want to go out meeting up my friends. He trust me. And he knows I will never do anything bad. I mean, they are my friends since I'm 18 y.o, if I'm interested with any of them why there's no such 'special' thing with them? That means, I know what's the limit of being just friends, best friends, and bf. Am I?

But still, sometimes I'm thinking of Mr Red Ribbon...
Is he (really) okay with this?
I'm just scared that he's actually not OK.
But just pretending that he's OK.
Honestly, I can't hear him telling me to stay away from my friends.
But anyway, I'm not hanging out with them all the time. 
Just once a while, probably once or twice in a year.

They're too close with me,
I'm just caring them too much like my own brothers...
And I hope this shouldn't be a problem for any of us...


huhu..don't let marriage as the reason for u to lose ur friends..nnt dah kawin ajakla mr.rrb jumpa kawan2 lama u sekali..lagi best kan? =)..

yup, lalink...
nak ajak jmp kawan2 tp macam susah je bawa dia gi indonesia, sgt busy keje... hfff susah... kawan2 dia i dah kenal semua, kawan2 i dia xkenal :(

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