Dearest, friends...
So many stories to tell but I'm still hardly write these days. My mom and my lil brother still in KL. So up to today I'm still working as a full timer tour guide, he he he. Especially for my lil brother, everyday what he wants jalan2, makan, shopping, arrgghh... xpenat ke dah seminggu nie bejalaaaan je tiap2 hari? haisshhh... Hhhh, takpe la namapun bungsu kan? Manja sikit...
Ok, back to topic, I'd like to write and post some pictures from my cousin's wedding in KL last week. I won't write much, hope the pictures can tells its own memories...
at the entrance of Dewan PKPS Shah Alam
Penganten & pengapit...
table for us....

makan? my favourite moment!
my sis, me, my uncle
another pic at the wedding...
door gift :)
So that's all for now, catch up with you later!
u dah nampak lain sekarang....makin berseri-seri!
ye ke? agak2 sebab ape tu? :)
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