Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sleepy. New Part Time Job. Eating Rojak.

gambar tiada kene mengene dengan entry

Now I feel sleepy already. But I'm so happy :)

You can see today's post are a lot! Thanks again to DIGI for coming back to my house.
Thanks too for someone who just gave me a new part time job starting next Wednesday to Sunday, Alhamdulillah... I'm sure it will add some to my budget for my family trip to KL :)
And I've been wanting to eat ROJAK for few days. Since last time I had it at ALDY RESTAURANT. I'm dreaming of eating rojak since. And I just had one at Uptown D'Kota :)

So happy today and now gotta go :)


uhu...sedap, tp jauh gi penang... kat kl xada yg sedap cam kt sane...

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