Thursday, October 14, 2010

Movie Review : MAGIKA

I went watch Magika yesterday evening which began with a funny moment as me and Mr Red Ribbon went to a wrong movie hall!!! We waited and waited and as the movie started, it was ALPHA and OMEGA!!! Ahahaha... Feeling wanted to watch MAGIKA so badly, we switched to the other hall. If we want, we can stay watching ALPHA and OMEGA, but I'm seriously not interested with it. The first 3 minutes looks so boring and the animation is not as good as other animation movie from Hollywood so I give it a PASS.
So what's this Magika?

I'm sure you all know this is a musical half animated movie from KRU. I saw some bloggers wrote about it in these few weeks but I haven't got chance to read any review yet. So hope my review this time will be fair yea...

What's best from this movie, the first thing is SO MANY GOOD and FAMOUS ARTISTS INVOLVED in Magika. Say, Saiful Apek, Maya Karin, Mawi, Ning Baizura, etc. Second thing is the ANIMATION BOLE TAHAN la... 

But... (always got "but") the story line is too simple. And musical? I personally don't like musical movie. If theater...yes I'd like to watch Musical Theater. But not in movie, looks so boring and 'keras' when the actor/actress sings too slow while they actually can just speak it. Moreover, maybe because this is not Bollywood movie which they can dance while they sing, so make it not boring. But in Magika, while they sing, they don't have much movement to do, I saw it a lil bit 'weird'. 

This makes me think to wait for MAGIKA the MUSICAL in DRAMA THEATER soon. I think it will be better :)

But tahniah for KRU. I'm still waiting for something like DUYUNG. That one is one of my fav!

Anyway, actually we watched Magika becoz it's free. Not because we don't like Malay movie, WE DO LIKE! I was working with Malaysia Production House before and I do appreciate work from film crews. But yes, I only watch anything that interest me only. Same as Hollywood movie, only watch it if I interested. Fair or not???


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