Saturday, August 21, 2010

Masjid Shah Alam at Jakarta???

This is a story fromour trip to Jakarta few weeks ago...

On the way to and from Bandung, we saw this mosque at Bekasi (a city next to Jakarta) which is very similar with Masjid Sultan Salahuddin at Shah Alam. We took pics but none of them nice. So I just googled it and found these:

this one is Masjid Sultan Salahuddin, Shah Alam

This one is Masjid Al-Azhar, Bekasi

Photos: Mr. Google

Aren't both so alike? I wonder if both designed by same architect... Hhrrmm...

*Just for share before sahur*


hehe..same la plak masjid nie..xpe2..arap2 both masjid dipenuhi dengan umat Islam setiap masa..

hehe... kan kan sama? yang first time perasan tu mr red ribbon masa lalu kat masjid nie kat jakarta :)

nyaris mirip tu bangunan
dari arsitekturnya sampai warnanya

beneran mirip itu masjidnya??

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