Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Wedding Prep: My Chosen Dewan - CONFIRM

Alhamdulillah, selepas berpusing2 cari dewan berapa hari (written HERE), finally we (my family) decided to rent Birawa Hall at Hotel Bidakara Jakarta. So tengah hari tadi me and my mom went there, nak check the dewan again then deposit some money to secure the dewan...

We went to Wedding Registration counter and the customer service was actually met mommy few times before. I know that mom really wanted to held the wedding function here. So, yeah... there you go mom... your dream come true... Hehehe tapi me also like the place actually. It's just... these few days I was a bit xnak buat kat dewan nie looking at the rental price, cam kesian kan parents kuarkan banyak sangat duit untuk sewa dewan je...
But they said they want to rent it. They like it and that will make them happy...
So I don't mind... The most important thing is I'm not asking for any fancy place.
But if mom and dad happy then I should be happy as well...

Filling the registration/booking form

Choose the hall (there are 2 halls at this hotel, I choose Birawa)

Yay! Done!
So my wedding won't be held on Saturday anymore, instead it will be on Sunday...
Pening kalau nak terus fikir nak buat Sabtu, nak cari tempat lagi susah, semua dah full booked.
Ada yang available pon kita xberapa click with the place.
So, we moved the wedding from Saturday to Sunday noon...
Tetamu dari Malaysia kne amek flight back to KL on evening/malam ataupon stay over for another night (Isnin kene cuti la...) Takpeee bole jalan2 dulu ke shopping2 hehehe...

Then I went to see the hall again...


Tengah ada decoration people decorate dewan tue untuk majlis malam...
Dewan Birawa yang kitaorang nak sewa macam nie, hari tue nampak besar sebab kosong, hari nie nampak macam biasa je... Sebab penuh dengan meja2 kot...
(uish my camera tak cantik... gelappp)

 Kat dewan Birawa tue xstart lagi wedding untuk malam, so we went to the other hall... 
Tengah ada kenduri...

 wedding orang lain...

Sempat jadi 'wedding crasher', masuk kenduri orang kat dewan sebelah (still dalam Hotel Bidakara) then bagi angpao kat pintu masuk then me n my mom try makanan kat sana sebab nanti untuk wedding me nak pakai catering Hotel, so nak try la sikit sedap ke tak. Datang dah lambat so makanan semua dah habis, ada sikiiiit je. Takpela janji bole test food :)

Happy, satu bende dah settled dah!

Here are few pics me dapat dari Google:

Tapi decoration nie mesti yang mahal...
Adoiii kalau decoration yg standard je bole jadi cantik macam tue x ye...
Hehehe *bride 2 be yg banyak bermimpi*

Any bride to be out there kat Indonesia if you want to know more about the rental price or terms and conditions please email me
I will be more than happy to share my stories with you :)


wow..very nice...luasss..bestnya dpt kahwin kat sini..lucky you! :P

best nnyer dpt wat majlis kawin kat hall...mesti best nie..

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers