Friday, November 26, 2010

Kelantan Trip 2010 - Part 2 (end)

 Finally, we arriving at the last part of the story *fiiuuhh...*

Once again, in case you  missed the previous parts, you can read here:

Finally sampai juga @ Tumpat. Rumah sebelah lelaki at Tumpat area, to be precised.

Siap posing dulu... 4 Si Mata 4:)

There she come, cantiknyer my bestie nie...
She mixed Malay and Indian

Datang2 jer terus duduk and makan. Sopan x tue? Huhuuu...

Ni sesi bergambar. Can you imagine pengantin belum naik pelamin bersanding, kitaorang dah hijacked pelamin tue. Wahahaha... The whole day asik bergambar again and again :)

Group picture :)

She, in a beatiful Red Wedding Kebaya :)
We left the house at 4.30pm with a feeling of happiness of their marriage and so as sadness coz my friend and her hubby will stay at Kelantan for good. Previously they stayed at KL. Just few months ago, she shifted to Kelantan before she decided to get married.
We did make a stop at Pengkalan Kubor. But only for a while before finally terus balik KL. Coz that evening tetiba hujan deras. And all driver mcm dah penat jer, cian kan... Then we all balik KL terus. Sampai KL dah pukul 3am. Huaaaa... Jam sikit :(
So that was my first trip to Kelantan. Nak pgi lagi next time jalan2 cari makan :)


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