Monday, February 13, 2012

You Belong To Me, Mr Red Ribbon...

Assalamualaikum kawan2 bloggers dan readers...
Tak kira readers yang selalu rajin komen atau silent readers...
Hari nie dah masuk hari Isnin lagi...
First of all, Ms Red Ribbon nak ucapkan selamat bekerja kepada sesiapa yang bekerja, be it at the office or working at home :)

Banyak sangat perayaan minggu2 lepas kan?
Mesti korang pon dah rasa boring banyak sangat cuti.
Eh eh hari Isnin nie xcuti tau, jangan pandai2 la korang 'mencutikan diri' xnak masuk keje plak.
Dah cukup la tue long weekend 2 minggu (CNY, Maulud Rasul + Thaipussam)

Errmm speaking about perayaan, akhir tahun lepas me and friends ada buat gathering BBQ for Xmas and New Year.
Bukan Ms Red Ribbon nie nak meraikan Xmas ye, kawan2 satu geng nie ada yang muslim ada yang non-muslim, time Xmas ada buat gathering makan2, time Raya pon ada buat open house.

Kawan2 sume tolong menolong siapkan makanan...
Be it Chinese, Malay, Indian, altogether masuk dapur :)
Kecuali Ms Red Ribbon yang asyik tengok TV dan tangkap gambar.
Diorang cakap ibu hamil xleh penat2... Okay... good good :)

Yay! Bestnye kami semua wat BBQ kat backyard of the house.
Eh nape muka kitaorang sume camtue ye?
Cam terkejut jer... Hihihihi...

The best part is, part makan la!
Ms Red Ribbon makan banyaaaaakkk sangat!
Lamb chop!
Sampai la malam tue lepas habis gathering, balik rumah, terus panas badan & xnak makan lamb lagi sampai sekarang :P

source: Google

Pastue, the most memorable moment was when we exchanged gifts.
Kami seramai 9 orang dan semua kne bawa hadiah dalam range max RM50.


I got this from my friend, and honestly I'm needing this thing that time.
Bekas comel untuk salt and paper :)
Pastue one friend, a gadget/computer freak, got an infrared mouse.
One friend, a movie and music freak, got a nice headphone.
One female friend got a set of Body Shop bath supply (which will be so weird if the receiver was a guy)
I wrapped one guy tee shirt, quite big size, and the one who got it was my 'big size' guy friend.
I forgot what's the rest...
Tapi, honestly, we all got what we should get.
Pelik memang...
Tapi nama pon rezeki tiap orang kan.
Everybody got what they wanted :)

You know whose gift he got?


Which we wrapped it together gether at home!
Ha! You'll never get away from me, darling...
And so he was the one who didn't get any 'real present' that nite...

Ahhh, so macam tue la cerita dari entry tajuk You Belong To Me nih, sangat panjang kan??
Ok, ok satu gambar bonus sebelum saya habis merepek.
Us and those gifts under xmas tree :)



ala sweetnye Mr. &mrs RRB ni :)

mkn byk tp kurus *jeles*

comel :)

thank you all...
xde la kurus tu camera trick je *wink wink*

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers