Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Wanna Win Contests!

Love joining contest?
Anytime I'm free (even when I'm not that free) I'll be surely join contests/GAs...
First of all, I wanna win the prize, hehe...
Even with no price pon, I still wanna join...
To get new friends, or just want to make it more 'meriah'...
The more the merrier (perkataan meriah dari 'the merrier' ke - OFF TOPIC)

So, I've join thousands some GAs & contests but....
Rarely win!
Hehehe, actually it doesn't matter...
But sometimes there is a time when you feel jealous when other contestants win...
It's not a jealous feeling that makes you hate the person, NO.
It's more to a truly happy feeling when you've chosen as the winner...
It is a feeling that motivate me to join more contests and crossing my fingers that I could win!

But since...
Lately I'm busy with my assignments (tak siap lagi tau! haish!)
I'm rarely joining contests for the past 2 weeks.

But still... I WANNA WIN! 

Huaaaa! I WANNA WIN!

Hey, you wait and see, I'm gonna win!

Huaaa mommy... I wont eat until I win!

Huuu huuuu I'm begging you I wanna win...

Alright, It's Okay... There will still another time...

*entry tengah boring wat assignment*
 *pics taken from inmagine.com*


heheh cute la plak entry ni
i like ;)

sekarang ni belum ada mood lagi nak join contest...

New Entry: Keputusan SPM 2010



Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers