Friday, January 7, 2011

DAPAT RM100 dengan bergambar dgn Hadiah B'day Yang Paling Best

Me kena TAG dari belog biru comel nie...
Contest anjuran

Contest nie kne bercerita pasal hadiah buffday yang paling best...
Nak citer pasal hadiah buffday susah la sikit, sebab jarang sangat2 ada orang  bagi hadiah kat Ms Red Ribbon time buffday.
Betol, tak tipu! 
Mak Ayah dulu sering bagi hadiah, masa me kecik lagi.
Dah dewasa xpernah bagi apa2 lagi, bagi do'a jer.
BF? Ada 1-2x je bagi... Tue pon BF dulu, dah lamaaa...

So, korek2 hard disk, jumpe plak time kengkawan ada bagi hadiah...
Here goes the story :

This is my 27th Buffday, 2 tahun lepas.
Macam dah jadi kebiasaan for me, everytime I celebrate my buffday mesti la me sendiri yang kene belanja kengkawan. While actually kebanyakan kengkawan doing the other way around.
So, that time, I invited some friends datang to my buffday supper kat Pavillion KL, xde la makan berat sbb it's supper time!

So it's me and my Doncake (not buffday cake, it's donut cake hehe)

I got some gifts from friends who came that night, but this one was the special one.
I almost cried when I took it from my bestfriend's hand, Hani...

What's inside?
Familiar with this guy sat next to me?
Dia ada belakon dalam Spa Q, if you notice him :)

And taarrraaa!!! 
Beg putih cantek!


Sebab, masa my friend bagi, she said it is from my sister.
But my sister xdatang pon kat majlis hari jadi malam tue.

My sister duk kat Singapore, a month before my buffday, dia datang KL for few days.
So, time I kuar pi class, she bought this bag pastue bagi kat my housemate tue, Miss Hani.
So Miss Hani nie dah keep hadiah tue for a month lamanyer...
Was a surprise bole dapat hadiah dari my lovely sister eventho she wasn't there :)

Review pasal blogmacammacamada...
This is the first time masuk blog nie,
Banyak information yang pelik, cerita yang unique, yang kelakar pon ada.
Semua ada.
Memang macam macam ada.
Sangat bagus to refresh our mind time tension kan?
So, terus je Ms Red Ribbon follow and link blog tue.
So next time ada update cerita menarik, bole terus terjah!

Kenapa BlogMacamMacamAda harus bagi hadiah kepada anda

saya nie peserta contest tegar,
suke sgt wat contest... tapi jarang sangat menang contest...
tapi mungkin belum rezeki lagi...
kalau ada rezeki best la tue, bole tambah2 beli barang2 hantaran...
mesti BlogMacamMacamAda akan terus dikenang :)

Nak TAG:



good luck mrs ribbon! bestnya hadiah bday tu :)br

thank you mama...mmg best n terharu :)

waaa kene tag!
jrg dapek adiah gk cmno neh?
ok if i free i make ur tag k?
tq dear :)

wah kna tag. thanx dear.. nnt insyaallah i buat.. :)

mrs ribbon ! thanks tag :D tp tp , i xde gamba dgn hadiah birthday la . hee

alahai adik darling..
kakyong tak pernah celebrate bsday.. uwaaa... pastu kan memang tak penah dpt hadiah utk besday, huhuuu... memang xde gambor la...

gud luck ya for this contest... x dpt nak menyahut seruan tag ni... maaf sgt2... :)

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers