Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gambar2 Perdamaian Malaysia-Indonesia di Bukit Jalil :)

Pictures will explain everything...

and the last one, 
yang buat Ms Red Ribbon menitikkan air mata...

I really do want both countries to live in peace...

click HERE for the source

Despite of horrible stories you read on news (it is up to you whether you want to blame media or not), we should see that out there many people has been suffering from this hatred issue. 

Like me, to be honest, one of my aunty never stop talking bad about Malaysia, how Malaysian hates Indonesian so much. And how she, as Indonesian, hates Malaysian too. Eventho I told her for more than 5 years I stayed in Malaysia, I can say that (almost) none of Malaysian treat me bad. And we can also see many Malaysian students study at Indonesia and they have nothing to worry about too.

And sometimes I felt TIRED answering her questions coz she will never trust me that I am okay.

Sometimes people like aunty has to experienced the whole friendship process by herself then she will know that all the problems, the rumours, the fighting, are the result of un matured groups of people or media that needs to be fight back.

Enough said. Enjoy the match and 
accept the result with OPEN HEART.


i think this is all about MEDIA . yg memanaskan segala benda kecik .

tu la..betol gak hakeem yg menambah2kan citer utk kaut untung company masing2.. wat citer bukan2 suruh orang beli newspaper diorg..wat citer bukan2 nak bg sumer org tumpu kat channel tu..people yang xpernah go through the real live mesti akan percaya je.. i even dengan cleaner indonesia ni pon ok je..ngan kakak keje kt cafe tu rapat lagi..xde pon nk bermusuh2..mostly tak ada ape2 la..huhu..kalo nk kate jahat takkan org malaysia je kot jahat..baru2 ni org myanmar nak pecah masuk ofis cousin i..baik ke org myanmar tu..see..cannot judge we are a good people and they are bad people..unless we are the one who gone through the misery life..hehe..chill bebeh!

yea... memang... kalau tak ada media2 yang selalu buat 'api', org2 pon bole chill je...

nasib baik dah habis dah nie... congrats malaysia!

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