Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dari Gelora Bung Karno... For Malaysia and Indonesia...

First of all, 

Seriously, hari nie risau. Risau sangat2. Plan xnak kuar rumah, tapi rasa boring kat umah pon xde ape bole buat. So I went out with mom, shopping, hehe, and was hoping that the traffic won't be too congested like the other day when the ticket counter for Suzuki AFF Cup was opened. Yes, alhamdulillah, xjam teruk pon. Sempat jalan2 sampai pukul 4.30pm then balik straight to home.

I started the day with a good impression of some media in Indonesia. Switched on the TV early in the morning and finally found many TV presenter bring up this sportive campaign to all football fanatics in the country. FYI, Staduim GBK tue dah penuh dgn supporters started from around 6am! In the morning! And RCTI as penaja rasmi Final Suzuki AFF 2010 at Indonesia, buat live report daripada sana dari pagi lagi tau! Eventho I saw some group of supporters nampak 'garang' but the reporter keep on stressing out the word "sportif" dan "damai". I love it! Rasa2nya dah beberapa hari nie asyik cite xbetul je, even if betol pon jangan la exaggerate sangat, buat api jer kan? 

Then I opened this one Indonesian forum, they started to spread the PEACE throughout their posts. Yang still nak benci2 tue lantak la ko, bawak la tue kebencian sampai mati. Tak paham2nyer yang this is only A GAME! 

So, rasa mcam dah tenang. I finally jalan2 kuar rumah. Rasa bersyukur sikit. I thought everybody will stay at home sebab takut kuar rumah, but sume nampak ok. I dengar people on the street talking about the match but they didn't touch the 'sensitive' part. Only about the game itself. Which is good. What a good start...


And yea... Indonesia won last night's game of 2-1...
Malaysia won the Suzuki Cup... 4-2...

Whatever it is, the game tonight was a very very very tight game. 
Very good game. And I'm so proud of both team!

One thing that I'm also proud of is the supporters. 
Alhamdulillah, I didn't expect them to be this 'nice'.
Thank you everyone! I'm just too happy!

*so sad suddenly Mr Red Ribbon went offline, I know he must be so happy out there celebrating the winning of his fav team. where r u?*


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