Dear all,
Been a long time I didn't update my blog with what I'm doing currently. Simple things like cooking, went for class, went for groceries shopping, and many simple things that normal people do. It is not that I don't want to write it. Eventhough it seems 'too simple' but we all have to believe in ourself that everybody has their own uniqueness, eventhough it is not looks unique. (haaa camne tu nak translate dah hancur dah BI)
What I meant was, every student go to class, but what they found in their class might be different from person A and person B. Correct? Everybody cook rice, but maybe person A use water and person B use syrup? Haaa nie yang mengada2, hehehe...
So the reason why I didn't write such things is that I rarely go out of the house since last 1,5 months I have no class. So to save my financial budget, I just stay home. So it will be so boring if I write stories about me; wake up-breakfast-watch TV-afternoon nap-makan-blogging-browsing-nap lagi-blogging- itu itu jer.
Kan? Kan?
But yesterday, I went out for a whole day and I would like to story mory a bit.
First, I went out seeing Mr Red Ribbon for lunch at ROCK CAFE, just behind Sunway University College. And my Kelisa got saman for parking my car at the side of the road. If you are familiar with the area, you'll know that EVRYBODY PARK THEIR CAR AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD coz there are no parking lot. Rasa cam nak marah. But nevermind la... Don't want to think about that now.
Then I went to college. Renewing my visa which almost expired. Also asking the lady what if I continue my study without visa. Coz seeing my college schedule, I won't be having so many classes. Like today I just knew that I won't have any class until January 15th 2011. And it's been 1,5month I didn't go for any class. So I was asking the college staff, what if I stay at Jakarta then come to KL only for attending class (1 subject normally only takes like 1 month class and the rest is take home assignment, so that means I just can use my 1 month visit pass everytime I enter Malaysia). She will get back to me later.
I just feel like I need to do something. I wanna work which that dream would not come true if I stay here. Another reason is that my mom is needing me now, need to teach my lil brother so he'll study harder.

sorry saje nak tangkap gmbr my Kelisa parking tepi college i kat Pusat Bandar Damansara
then I went to post office around my college area, sending MyBlowie punye wallet :)
Then I went home. Terus tertidur :(
Until Mr Red Ribbon called, asked me out, accompany him shopping baju keje.
Bab2 shopping nie terus semangat!
So we went to One Utama, sekali survey restaurant untuk family meeting nanti.

Atas nie gambar I berhijab ngan Mr Red Ribbon. I memang suker pakai tudung. The problem is that I feel like I'm not ready for totally 100% wearing hijab forever and ever. I wanted to wear it (the niat for wearing forever and ever one) since I was 12 y.o. But until now, I'm still like this. When I feel I wanna wear it, I will wear. If not, then not. Hooo actually nak story mory about this, tp cite panjaaaanggg, maybe next time.
But the most important is, I really hope for some support from my friends. And please do not push me for doing something that I really wanna do but I'm still not ready yet. I'm currently preparing it. Inshaallah... Doakan yang terbaik for me :)
So that's my story for yesterday. This weekend I have plan to meet up with Mr Red Ribbon's brother and sister to talk about the meeting on December.
One more thing...
HAPPY DEPAVALI to all that celebrate it!!!
waaaa...u r so pretty in hijab!!! i give u 100001% support..kena tetapkan hati yea..semoga dibukakan pintu hati dan istiqamah bila dah pakai tudung nanti..insyaAllah..
thank u darling... Doa2kan jer... :)
sure..i will pray for first memang susah sikit..i pon cam u jugak dulu..then lame2 rasa cam dah biasa dah pakai tudung..bila nk bukak tu rasa segan then i just continue je pakai tudung.. good luck dear!
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