Saturday, October 30, 2010

Penat Penat Penat


Suker sangat cakap PENAT. Haiiissshhh, dah tau penat, rehat la...

I just came back from a FULL DAY jenjalan pi junkyard.
I got one friend coming down from Bandung, he's in KL now for 2 days only and wanted me to help him to find something. He's one of my best buddies when I was in Bandung. So yea, the whole day I tried to accompany him.

Tomorrow will be his last day and I should fetch him again. Tomorrow his wife (which is happen to be my friend also). Will be early in the morning. So I gotta go for sleep now.

Will be off from blogging for a whole day tomoro :(
See ya soon!


alala... get well rest soon..=p

take rest lalink...i'm afraid u jatuh sakit nnti

thank u... dah cukup rehat dah... hmmm.. nak bejalan lagi... :)

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