Monday, October 18, 2010

Makan sup RM 112 then kaki kebas!

Memang sakit... sakit... sakit...

Today, I supposed to have something to do and after calling here calling there, that plan was out. And the PLAN B was going to find kain for my friend's wedding. Yesterday night I went to TESCO Shah Alam, looking for one but couldn't find kain that I wanted. And today, nak puaskan hati, pergi Jalan TAR.

 Arrived at Jalan TAR at around 3pm. Me and Mr Red Ribbon had late lunch at usual at Ani Sup Utara just accross Pertama Complex. Baru je one sip makan sup tu, polis datang saman sume kete2 kat situ... Huaaa tiap2 pgi Sup Ani Utara selalu kena saman!

Dahtu still nak parking kat situ jugak next time? TAK... JANJI... hehehe...
So total bill will be RM 12 + RM 100... Terbaaeeekkk.... :P
We finished lunch at 3.30pm and when we finish shopping? 9pm! 6 hours walking around Jalan TAR and Jalan Masjid Jamek make my feet kebas2. Penat! And guess what we buy?


Yup, I didn't find any kain suit my needs.
After this I'll look for baju kurung/kain kaler LILAC from blogshops la... Tired walking around and didn't find anything!


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