Saturday, October 16, 2010

How man and woman withdraw money at ATM

When a man arrives at the ATM
1. Park his car
2. Enter the ATM lounge
3. Inserting the ATM card to the machine
4. Key in PIN number
5. Get the money
6. Get the ATM card
7. Out from the ATM lounge
8. Enter the car and leave

Woman withdrawing money at ATM
1. Park her car
2. Fix her make up
3. Then off the engine
4. Check her make up and hair again
5. Entering the ATM lounge
6. Try to look for her ATM card inside her messy bag
7. Inserting the ATM card
8. Press cancel
9. Searching for her handphone, getting account number
10. Inserting teh ATM card again
11. Key in PIN
12. Get the money
13. Out of the ATM lounge
14.Get inside the car
15. Checking her make up again
16. Start the engine
17. Off the engine
18. Back to the ATM lounge
19. Getting her ATM card (still inside the machine)
18. Get in to her car
19. Start the engine
20. Check her hair and make up
21. Drive 500 meter
22. Releasing hand brake
23. Continue driving



ahahahhaha..dah gerak 500m baru lepas handbrake..

ye btl tu..klu x pcaya cuba tgk klu pompuan kuarkan wit kat atm bminit2 lamanyer...
lelaki x smpai seminit dah siap..

lps dah kn tegur kini sy dah leh wat catatan ms tpantas dr lelaki bila kuarkan wit kat atm hehe...

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