Friday, April 1, 2011

Questions on Mixed Marriage...

Tengah browsing2 tetiba jumpe artikel kat SINI.
Title article tue:

Rais Yatim says: think "a thousand times" before entering a mixed marriage

According to studies only three out of ten mixed marriages work. In response, Information, Communication and Culture Minister, Rais Yatim has cautioned that young people should think “a thousand times” before committing to such unions.

So scarrryyy...
Let's discuss what's inside the article:
According to the Malaysian Mirror, he went on further to say that "the reality is that those who want to go into mixed marriages have a lot of obstacles to go through. Marriage failures are due to cultural and religious differences as well as the upbringing they go in their respective countries."

Baru Indonesia & Malaysia jer, tapi dialog yang tak kene pasal religious belief (even kita sama2 Islam) and culture sometimes ada yang tak kene. I understand each of us dah lama pegang kukuh our own culture. Sometimes kne tolerate a bit. Sometimes yang dahulu xnak tahu sikit pon, sekarang dah bole la nak ikut partner punyer culture. For example, me, I can speak BM la sikit2 hehe, dah bole la berbaju kurung. Dulu xnak sangat pakai baju kurung... Hehehe...

"Most of the marriages are a result of 'short-term love affairs' that survive for a brief period before each of the spouses go back to the cultural and religious beliefs they grew up with."

Our relationship bukan la short term. Kalau someday nak balik to our own culture tue xtahu lagi. Tapi setakat nie insyaallah both of us bole pahamkan perbezaan kita. Harap2 la xada apa2... Negara serumpun jer aper nak susah gaduh2 pasal perbezaan, tul tak?

"It's not that simple to get a Malaysian citizenship. In this sense, it is easier if it involves a foreign woman marrying a Malaysian man than otherwise."

For everyone notes, I never ever plan to marry Malaysian just to get Malaysian citizenship. Kalau nak kata saya sombong, kata je la. But we both never had a ny deal yang lepas kahwin me kne jadi Malaysian or he has to convert to be Indonesian. No, never. So we both will stick to our own citizenship which me, myself, I can't leave a country yang dah besarkan diri me, with all their positivity and negativity, it still tumpah darah saya gak. Takde juga macam orang cakap nak kahwin ngan orang Malaysia for better living. Not at all... I've been happy enough with what I had back home. If I have to be honest, apa yang ada kat my hometown is better than what I had here. Me xpernah kekurangan sikit pon in my entire life. It was like, apepon yang me nak, me bole dapatkan kat sana...

Everything is just because of 'garisan dari Allah' that I had to met Mr Red Ribbon.
Fate tue yang buat me xpernah nak question yang whether hidup me nie lagi baik duduk kat KL or kat Jakarta... I look both as the same...
Probably selepas kahwin pon me akan regularly balik, I won't be a person yang dah duduk jauh pastue lupakan family, lupekan kawan2, lupekan tanah air...


im a daughter of a mixed marriage.. malaysia-philippines.. :)

Jemput-jemput: Saat Aku Kau Pilih
Cari hadiah best untuk yang tersayang?

hi dear..lama tak tinggal comment kat sni..mix marriage mmg mencabar.. as what i experienced from my mom n my dad convert to be muslim.. byk cabran dia..kdg2 org persoalkan my dad pernah ke makan pork b4 ni?? dia dah khatan ke belom?? actually my dad dia dh dpt hidayah since dia kecik lagi.. dia tak pernah makan pork..masa dia kecik kalau my nenek masak pork..dia akan nanges lari pergi umah jiran sebelah..sebab dia xnak makan dad convert when he was 15 years old..masa tu dia dah ambik subjek agama islam kat sekolah..byk lagi cabaran of dad tak pandai baca quran..cuma dia hafal dari apa org ajar kat dia.ada a few surah lazim yg dia pity him.n me pernah dengar ayah ajar adik hafal surah lazim masa adik umur 3-4tahun adik ikut..itu jelah yg dia mampu ajar.sian ayah..tapi what im proud of him..dia buat yang wajib cusc as solat n puasa..tak pernah nampak dia tinggal..n since i kecik selalu suruh kiteorg ngaji quran..coz dia taknak kiteorg jadi mcm dia..dia nak ajar tak dia suruh jelah kiteorg ngaji ngan mak.. n on 2004 dia dpt completekan haji dia.. alhamdulillah..he become a good person after all.. n so lucky my mom n my family dpt accept chinese punyer culture.. thats make the life more colourful..coz 2 different culture join together..gudluck dear! semoga perkahwinan u ni berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat, bahagia dan diberkati Allah selalu hendaknya..

@Jiji-Fify : waaa, nice... hope it turns well dear...

@waalllaa! : memang kan kalau dah destiny, nak cakap ape lagi. kalau bole terima perbezaan dengan lapang dada, tue yang bole buat hidup jadi more colourful. kalau susah nak terima tue yang jadi sebaliknya, asyik gaduh je... hope the best for your family, lalink...

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